آرشیو :
تابستان 1400
نوع مقاله :
کد پذیرش :
موضوع :
مهندسی عمران
نویسنده/گان :
علی حیدری
کلید واژه :
سکونتگاه های غیررسمی، امنیت اجتماعی، احساس امنیت اجتماعی، حاشیه نشینی.
Title :
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Sense of Social Security Among Marginalized People in Informal Settlements
Abstract :
Social harms are one of the most important consequences of security and informal settlements are among the most prone urban areas for social insecurity. These areas have several challenges, including vulnerability, crime, insecurity, lack of spatial and social justice, economic and environmental, which will spread social insecurity in cities. Since marginalization and informal settlement are not specific to our country, efforts to resolve it have a long history. On the one hand, these efforts seek to ignore and try to destroy these communities, and on the other hand, they seek to provide them with housing, facilities and living conditions. Marginalized people are those who live in cities but due to a set of factors have not been able to absorb the economic and social system of the city and as a citizen to benefit from urban facilities and services. Margins often have an infertile culture and become crime and problem areas. Western theorists believe that marginalization is a side effect of the transition from traditional societies to industrial and urban societies. Social security is a broad issue that its study in marginalized areas requires the study of various areas of social and behavioral sciences. Therefore, the present study seeks to discuss this issue comprehensively in marginalized areas and Suggest solutions for it.
key words :
Informal settlements, Social security, Sense of social security, Marginalization
مراجع :
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- صفحات : 21-38
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